The working hours in India are 8 hours per day or 48 hours per week. India has approximately 16 national holidays per year.
The overall minimum wage in India is US$116 per month, but local governments can set their own minimum wages. For example, in New Delhi, it is US$ 210 per month, and in Mumbai, it is US$ 230.
When an enterprise employs more than 10 employees, it is required to insure medical, production, and injury insurance for the employees. The proportion varies according to the employee's salary level, with an average of about 5% and social insurance of about 16.75%.
Land Ownership
India prohibits citizens or companies from countries that have land borders with India, such as China and Pakistan, from purchasing land. In addition, the purchase of agricultural land in India is also prohibited. There are no restrictions on the purchase of factory land by commercial and investment enterprises in India.